Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you qualify to take an online course

Distance learning and online education are for self-motivated and independent learners. Online education is not suitable for everyone, it is suitable for the quick learning chaps with huge motive. Online students must have good idea of what they are looking for. It is better that they go for an online course that constantly applicable for their daily job. For example an employee in a financial institute must study financial MBA or post graduate diploma in finance management. Also they can go for very specific subjects that offer specialization in their present job. For an engineer an MBA is worth much. For an IT professional can learn a programming language of his/her choice. If you are heavily loaded then never go for an online education. You get off loaded and plan for your higher studies. Online education is best suited for touring professionals. The structure of a traditional class is not present in an online education setup. So prepared to be patient, hard working and observing to become a good student. At any stage if you feel that your online education affects your ongoing carrier then re-arrange your self. You can get a break and regroup. In my observation I feel that your determination matters in most of the cases. I have seen people with good caliber and skills fail in their online courses while a hard working chap get through this experiment much easier.

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